Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Tag: revenge

Master P's Don't Be Scared horror movie
Master P is a business man. I realize that. He's never been accused of artistic integrity. But Don't Be Scared (phonetically, Don't Be Scurred) may be an all-time low. I hope that he saw it as strictly a money-making venture to capitalize on the whole slasher craze, because if...
Fight for Your Life movie poster
Fight for Your Life isn't necessarily considered a horror movie (Perhaps if it had been released widely under its much cooler alternate title, Bloodbath at 1313 Fury Road; no, really, that was a thing.), but it's actually not much different from torture/revenge "horror" flicks like I Spit on Your Grave...
Freaks horror movie poster
Like Carrie four decades later, Freaks is one big -- or rather, small, given the size of the characters and its 60-minute length -- revenge flick that portrays the mistreatment of social outcasts for 90% of the film, only to have them rise up and tear the mutha down...
Gold Digger Killer horror movie
The title alone should draw plenty of interest to Gold Digger Killer, but allow me to clarify that it doesn't refer to someone killing gold diggers (sorry, fellas), but rather an accused gold digger killing disrespectful men. Despite the campy title, GDK is a "deadly" serious film that's more...
April Fools horror movie
You have to love April Fools. Otherwise, you might end up blowing your brains out. What feels like a film with production values above typical "urban horror" fare turns out to be frustratingly devoid of quality. But where quality is lacking, camp appeal reigns supreme, and if camp is...
Sugar Hill blaxploitation horror movie poster
Sugar Hill is one of the more overlooked high-quality Blaxploitation movies, its lack of recognition baffling given it comes from American International Pictures (AIP), the company that distributed high-profile Blaxploitation flicks like Foxy Brown, the Blacula films and Black Caesar, not to mention horror fare like Frogs, Abby and The Abominable...
Hospitality horror movie
Hospitality is an unusually literate, restrained horror movie that, although written and directed by a black man (Tony Ducret), doesn't fall into any easy stereotypes -- unless you think that black guys are articulate, marginally prissy and like to make snuff films. The movie has a great set-up: a spoiled,...