Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Tag: ghosts

Horror movies starring African-American actors involving ghosts, hauntings and haunted houses, occult, paranormal and supernatural themes.

Best Black Horror Movies of 2023
Cinema in 2023 boasted a slew of surprise hits and surprise flops, but one constant was the Black presence in horror. Not necessarily a year of earth-shattering accomplishments, 2023 was for Black horror more about consistency and variety, broadening the typical Black roles into period pieces, ghost stories, mad...
Best Black Horror Movies of 2022
There was a time not too long ago that it would be difficult to create a “best of” list of horror movies featuring black leads in any given year, since there were so few of them, and the ones that did exist were of such dubious quality. But thankfully,...
Let’s Scare Julie
Watching Let’s Scare Julie made me think about black folks’ frequent complaint about Black History Month being relegated to the short, crappy month that is February. Along those same lines, while it’s nice to watch a horror movie with a black final girl, why does it have to be...
While American horror movies from Black creatives have gained a reputation in recent years (thanks in no small part to Jordan Peele) for incorporating racial and social commentary, the same can be said for black horror from around the globe. After all, black folks the world over have plenty...
Night’s End
It will be interesting to see if, in a decade or so, there will have been established a very specific, very limited subgenre of film known as “COVID cinema.” These are not movies about COVID-19, mind you, but rather movies shot in and around the COVID shutdown of 2020-21...
Titanic 666
Say what you will about The Asylum -- the poor quality of their films, their willingness to coast off the notoriety of bigger, better movies with “mockbusters” like Snakes on a Train and Independents' Day, the fact that their Sharknado films opened the floodgates for every Tom, Dick and...
Don’t Look Back
Somewhere within the flaming garbage heap that was 2020, there have been reasons to celebrate: your birthday, for one, and if you’re reading this, the fact that you’re still alive -- and functionally literate. Congratulations! But for the purposes of this site, the ever-growing diversity within the horror genre...
His House
With his remarkable feature debut His House, British writer-director Remi Weekes achieves what seasoned horror filmmakers struggle to pull off: tackling social issues like immigration, xenophobia, genocide and gender roles, alongside weighty themes like psychological trauma and grief, all while delivering throat-clenching scares. It’s one of the rare movies...
Body Cam
As incidents of racial profiling and police brutality continue to make headlines, Body Cam -- the Mary J. Blige vehicle about an entity haunting police officers involved in the death of a black teen -- is as relevant a film as ever. Cinematically speaking, however, it’s a bit late...
Karma movie poster
A third generation of Van Peebles van peebles his way through this SyFy movie about the misdeeds of the past coming back to haunt you. Maybe this is the family’s penance for Jaws: The Revenge? Too soon? In truth, Karma isn’t Jaws IV-awful; it’s at worst SyFy mediocre. And...