Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Tag: stereotypes

Urban Nightmare horror movie poster
Wow, I didn't think they made movies like this anymore...and I wish I was right. Urban Nightmare is a heinous throwback to '80s cop movies in which all minorities are ridiculously stereotyped criminals, and it's up the hard-boiled white cop to mop up the streets with 'em. In this...
Tenement movie poster
Ah, sweet sleaze. They don't make 'em like this anymore. As offensive as films like Tenement are, there's something oddly admirable in their level of don't-give-a-damn-ness. Rape, sodomy, murder, torture, humiliation; everything goes in this movie. That said, there's only one particularly nasty scene involving attitudinal (and thus expendable)...
Storm of the Dead horror movie
I've seen my share of misleading DVD covers, but Storm of the Dead might take the cake. A more accurate representation of both the content and the quality of the film would be the original Photoshop hatchet job of a poster: Even the tagline is misleading: "In the swamp, there...
Stephen King's The Stand movie poster
Stephen King loves mystical darkies! In particular, he's partial to the Southern, rustic, uneducated variety (see also The Green Mile). I half expected that in The Shawshank Redemption, Morgan Freeman would sprout wings or take the form of a bucket of water, but King decided to exercise "restraint" (whatever)....
Snakes on the Brain: Racial Representation in Snakes on a Plane
Like every other Internet gnome trolling the Web for treasure, I traced the progress of the film Snakes on a Plane for months, drinking in the online parodies and speculating on the possibility of sequels (Giraffes on a Speedboat) or even prequels (Dodos on a Frigate). I cheered when...
The Scarlet Clue Charlie Chan movie poster
Like Meeting at Midnight, this is a Charlie Chan mystery that's marginally horrific, with its masked killer plot line (not to mention the Caucasian Asian speaking pidgin English and his bug-eyed, scaredy-cat black manservant). Somehow, I find Mantan's being scared of a tangible killer here more acceptable than his...
King of the Zombies horror movie poster
King of the Zombies features Mantan Moreland in his typical horror role, the simple-minded, jittery spook: "Not me, y'all go on in there! I’m ain't goin' in dere!" The manservant of -- oh no! -- "Mr. Bill" (John Archer), he crash lands on a Caribbean island with his boss and...
Leprechaun Back 2 tha Hood movie poster
Most people strive to escape the ghetto, but good ol' Leprechaun seems to relish it -- so much so that he's gone "back 2 tha hood" after his first time around. Rory (Laz Alonso) is a "good" drug dealer who you’re supposed to root for because he's not the...
Lon Chaney Jr. in The Mummy's Curse horror movie poster
This mummy film takes place not in Africa, but in Louisiana. Why? Gumbo perhaps? Napoleon Simpson plays (eesh) Goobie, who speaks in the exaggerated, stereotypical "massa" and "sho' 'nuff" style -- though not for comedic effect, which may be more offensive, depending on your point of view. He's not...
Night of the Demons horror movie poster
Night of the Demons is a cult classic of the '80s, but its lone black character, "black guy" Rodger (Alvin Alexis), is a confounding conundrum wrapped in an enigma (Where my enigmas at?!?). On the one hand, he bucks the black death tradition that would seemingly have his name etched...