Friday, May 3, 2024

Movie Reviews

Reviews of primarily American movies featuring actors and actresses of Black / African-American descent in the horror-movie, slasher, gore, supernatural and related spooky film genres.

Holla If You Hear Me horror movie
I feel obliged to review this movie less because it's urban horror than in order to clarify that I had nothing to do with it whatsoever. You see, the director has the same name as me (Mark Harris), and as much as I admire his parents for their good...
Night of the Living Dead 1990 horror movie remake poster
Horror remakes are all the rage these days, so in some ways, the 1990 Night of the Living Dead "redux" was ahead of its time. Sure, the George Romero original is a classic, and a remake could never recapture its magic, but this version, directed by special effects legend...
Event Horizon movie poster
Paul W.S. Anderson will never win an Academy Award. Still, he's got a knack for mindless, lightweight horror and action with mainstream blockbuster-y tendancies. Event Horizon is easily his most uncompromising Hollywood film, a dark, unsettling work with some fairly graphic imagery (including a topless Sam Neill). It came...
Mutant Vampire Zombies from the Hood horror movie poster
A week from next Thursday, a solar flare will engulf the Earth, turning most of the population into zombies. Or are they vampires? Mutants perhaps? Whatever they are, they're disturbingly horny. This is the premise behind Mutant Vampire Zombies from the 'Hood!, a fairly enjoyable apocalyptic romp that still...
London Voodoo horror movie poster
Based on my viewing experience, I'd say that 98.63% of horror movies about voodoo are about the malevolent impact that voodoo has on white people, while the black practitioners of voodoo remain ancillary (and usually evil, or at least dangerous) characters. Case in point: London Voodoo, in which voodoo...
Sharknado 4: The 4th Awakens
The Sharknado series began as a charmingly low-brow, tongue-in-cheek sendup of the disaster and killer animal movies you can catch on SyFy every weekend. It was initially innocuous, relatively low-key camp, but over time, the series has bought into its own viral appeal and now tries way too hard...
Slice movie poster
When red-hot indie studio A24 -- home to award winners like Moonlight, Room and Lady Bird and acclaimed genre fare like Hereditary, The Witch and It Comes at Night -- revealed that it was releasing a horror-comedy starring Chance "the Rapper" Bennett and Zazie Beetz, I was understandably pumped....
Dying to Kill
Dying to Kill is a little indie film that received a brief run on Hulu in late 2016, but otherwise, I don't think it's available anywhere, so if you want to see it, maybe you can make a flip book of drawings based on my description to get a...
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner meets Rosemary’s Baby in Kindred, a polished, well-acted British thriller whose intriguing potential ultimately devolves into a ball of toothless frustration. The story revolves around Charlotte (Tamara Lawrance), a black woman whose white live-in boyfriend Ben’s (Edward Holcroft) family is a bit...clingy. When he...
Freaks horror movie poster
Like Carrie four decades later, Freaks is one big -- or rather, small, given the size of the characters and its 60-minute length -- revenge flick that portrays the mistreatment of social outcasts for 90% of the film, only to have them rise up and tear the mutha down...