Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Tag: classics

Frankenstein horror movie poster
Like Freaks, both Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein have no overt racial messages, but one could conceivably read into them a deeper racial connotation (and indeed, some film scholars have done so). Certainly, the lynch mob scenes, particularly in Bride, are intense even to this day, and the scenes...
Eyes of the Mummy horror movie poster
This early silent film from famed German director Ernst Lubitsch shows that, while he would become vehemently anti-Natzi (being Jewish and all), Lubitsch may have had his own racial hang-ups. The film follows Albert Wendland (Henry Liedtke), a British painter, as he "takes a sejour to study in Egypt"....
Demons horror movie poster
One of the most energetic, entertaining and Hollywood-friendly films of the '70s/'80s Italian horror Renaissance, Demons is also one of the few to feature major black roles, in this case a pimp (Bobby Rhodes) and a hooker (the redundantly named Geretta Geretta). How refreshing! It's good to know that...