Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Tag: Italian

Rats: Night of Terror horror movie poster
Geretta Geretta of Demons fame is one of only two survivors of said "night of terror" in this mediocre Italian outing...at least until the surprise ending. In this post-apocalyptic future, Earth looks a lot like Mad Max filmed on a vacant construction site, and rats like to eat people....
Stage Fright Deliria horror movie poster
It's rare that a black character in a horror movie gets the privilege of offing the killer -- in large part because he himself is usually dead long before the climax -- but that's exactly what happens in this English-language Italian slasher. The lone "black guy" in this case...
Zombie Zombi 2 horror movie poster
I don't expect Italian horror movies to have too many black people, but when they revolve around zombies on a Caribbean island, as Zombi 2 does (Zombi being the name Dawn of the Dead was released under in Italy), I'd expect more than a few. I should learn to...
Zombie 4 horror movie poster
While the original Zombie (AKA Zombi 2) was a genuine thrill, its inevitable sequels can only be described as "lacking." Camp value is the main thing the third, fourth, and fifth films in the series have to offer, but Zombie 4 comes the closest to matching the original's quality. That...
Africa Addio (AKA Africa Blood and Guts) movie poster
Shockumentary, or "mondo", films are trash. There, I said it. Some people love their sleaziness, some (I'd guess most) don't. I fall into the "don't" camp, and although I wouldn't lump them together with fictional horror, that's where they're generally found in the video store, so I figured I'd...
Big Alligator River horror movie
Although this surprisingly dull (though not surprisingly corny) Italian contribution to the post-Jaws giant animal movies takes place in Southeast Asia, a good portion of the "natives" look like regular ol' black folk to me. I guess any pigment is enough to warrant slapping a headdress and grass skirt...
Black Demons horror movie poster
Black Demons is a typical cheesy Italian zombie movie, although this one was filmed after that sub-genre had peaked. Made in 1991, the low budget and corny Euro-trash style make it feel 10 years older. There’s even use of the word "Negro" without a hint of shame or irony. The plot concerns...
Demons horror movie poster
One of the most energetic, entertaining and Hollywood-friendly films of the '70s/'80s Italian horror Renaissance, Demons is also one of the few to feature major black roles, in this case a pimp (Bobby Rhodes) and a hooker (the redundantly named Geretta Geretta). How refreshing! It's good to know that...
Hell of the Living Dead horror movie poster
I don't know much about Papua New Guinea (except that it's apparently crawling with zombies and cannibals), but I don't think that the racial makeup of the populace is quite as black as Hell of the Living Dead implies. Here, it looks more like Africa or the Caribbean than...