Horror movies tend to be thought of as hollow entertainment, but horror has a long history of addressing heavy social issues, whether directly or through symbolic or allegorical means. Perhaps the heaviest of heavy social issues is race relations -- especially in the United States -- but these horror/suspense...
Black people originated the slang of bad meaning good, but that doesn't mean they can't also be bad meaning bad. They've played some of the more memorable baddies in horror history. Here are some of the baddest black villains to grace a horror movie screen. Whatcha gonna do when...
Don't feel like seeing black blood spilled? Wanna see the black guy escape with his life (and a new respect for power tools)? Here are some films that have been rated NDN (No Dead Negroes)...
Actors Who Live
Carter, Terry
Cook, Nathan
Cowden, Michael
Kinchelow, Felice
Marshall, William
Moore, Juanita
Ray, Joan
Robinson, George
Speed, Carol
Stoker, Austin
Alligator People, The
Representations of Africa in Horror Movies
When Toto sang about Africa back in the day, it sounded so much more inviting than what we see coming out of Hollywood. Horror movies in particular have been guilty of perpetuating the image of “darkest Africa”, filled with ravenous animals and wild-eyed natives...
Be they stereotypes or monotypes, they're the "types" that most black characters in horror films inevitably fall into...
The Spook
As the name implies, the spook is spooked by all things spooky. Typically the comic sidekick, he's often spared from death by his ability to make people laugh. The "classic spook"...
Rappers are busy people, what with all the ho juggling, money stacking, and ride pimping. That's why so few of them have time to fully devote to the craft of acting. And yet so many of them are doing it, mucking up our precious horror films with their half-assed...
2024 had its share of disappointments in Black horror cinema, but it had so many entertaining entries that it could afford the misfires. There's perhaps nothing more reflective of the growth of Black horror over the years than the fact that it is now allowed room to fail. The...
Re-imagining your favorite horror movies with black casts.
Cinema in 2023 boasted a slew of surprise hits and surprise flops, but one constant was the Black presence in horror. Not necessarily a year of earth-shattering accomplishments, 2023 was for Black horror more about consistency and variety, broadening the typical Black roles into period pieces, ghost stories, mad...
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