Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Tag: 1980s

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Predator movie poster
In this sci fi-action-horror classic, not only are there two black members (Carl Weathers and the perpetually sweaty Bill Duke) in Arnold Schwarzenegger's team sent to the Central American jungle to die -- er, I mean to rescue some kidnapped airmen -- but the alien Predator who wipes them...
Prison horror movie poster
Some movies are so simple, you can watch them on mute and still know what's going on. In the case of Prison, I actually watched it on Telemundo, and since there's no such thing as "Reverse SAP" (I guess it would be EAP), I plodded through the film as...
Rats: Night of Terror horror movie poster
Geretta Geretta of Demons fame is one of only two survivors of said "night of terror" in this mediocre Italian least until the surprise ending. In this post-apocalyptic future, Earth looks a lot like Mad Max filmed on a vacant construction site, and rats like to eat people....
Wes Craven's The Serpent and the Rainbow horror movie poster
As much as I love Wes Craven's The Serpent and the Rainbow, it's one of those films that revolves around an issue in a black community (in this case, voodoo and political turmoil in Haiti), but examines it through the eyes of a white protagonist. This is a sub-genre I...
The Shining horror movie poster
As a kid, The Shining made an impression on me not so much because it was a creepy, nightmare-inducing trip (which it was), but because Scatman Crothers ended up with an axe in the chest. It was an early prototype for the now-cliched black character death in modern horror...
Stage Fright Deliria horror movie poster
It's rare that a black character in a horror movie gets the privilege of offing the killer -- in large part because he himself is usually dead long before the climax -- but that's exactly what happens in this English-language Italian slasher. The lone "black guy" in this case...
The Supernaturals horror movie
Who knew that while on leave from the Starship Enterprise, Uhura moonlighted as a sergeant in the United States Army? Sure beats Chekov's second job at the Apple Genius Bar. In the zombie flick The Supernaturals, Nichelle Nichols plays Leona Hawkins, a no-nonsense sarge who leads a rag-tag group...
Vanity in Tanya's Island movie poster
I freely admit that Tanya's Island is not a horror film, but like Soul Vengeance, it defies genre (not to mention logic, good taste and proper hygiene). The film stars The Artist Formerly Known As Vanity as Tanya, a vapid model (redundant?) who we're supposed to pity because her...
Tenement movie poster
Ah, sweet sleaze. They don't make 'em like this anymore. As offensive as films like Tenement are, there's something oddly admirable in their level of don't-give-a-damn-ness. Rape, sodomy, murder, torture, humiliation; everything goes in this movie. That said, there's only one particularly nasty scene involving attitudinal (and thus expendable)...
Rupaul's Trilogy of Terror movie
Almost a decade before he became a household name, RuPaul shot this grainy 12-minute underground ode to the tale "Amelia" from the original Trilogy of Terror. This time, though, the star is black, the doll is white, and the penis quotient is exponentially greater. The film begins with RuPaul...